This article is on the strategies for enhancing a sense of belonging for psycho-social wellbeing of priests in the Diocese of Dedougou, Burkina Faso. The objective of the study was to identify the strategies that can enhance a sense of belonging for psycho-social wellbeing of priests in the Diocese of Dedougou. The study adopted the Embedded mixed method research design. The target population was 107 Diocesan Catholic priests of the Diocese of Dedougou. The study used a sample of 97 priests using the census sampling method. It also interviewed 10 priests. The data collection was done using questionnaires that were administered using Google Forms while qualitative data was collected using interview guides. The findings of the study revealed that most of the priests of the Catholic Diocese of Dedougou had moderate sense of belonging. The research also revealed that there were many factors that affected priests’ sense of belonging such as team work, learning from other priests, adaptation of communication style, learning of cultural protocols, accessibility to information of the parish, and the diocesan affairs, concerns, and anxieties, paying attention to others, taking into consideration priests’ need, and specially culture influence sense of belonging for the psycho-social wellbeing of the priests in the Catholic diocese of Dedougou. The findings of the study conclude that the strategies which can foster sense of belonging for the psycho-social wellbeing of priests in the Catholic Diocese of Dedougou are: self-acceptance as multicultural diocese, feeling as members of one family with same rights, privileges, opportunities, chances, reduced inclinations to ethnic groups, and the improvement of bishop-priests’ relationship. The study will be beneficial to all priests in the Catholic diocese of Dedougou..
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